Monthly Archives: July 2019

The Exodus: History or Mystery?

As always, I ask myself what is the best use of my time (after I take away all of the […]

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Here Fishy, Fishy!

This is another article that I posted under the “article” section. It deals with the issue of the kashrut of […]

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What is a Kosher Animal?

This is an article that I shared on the site a while ago on the “articles” section, but was not […]

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It’s Hard Work to Keep Your Head on Straight

Parshas Korach 5779 Bamidbar 16:1 וַיִּקַּח קֹרַח בֶּן יִצְהָר בֶּן קְהָת בֶּן לֵוִי וְדָתָן וַאֲבִירָם בְּנֵי אֱלִיאָב וְאוֹן בֶּן פֶּלֶת […]

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