Monthly Archives: August 2016

Meaning of Life 4: How to be a Creator!

In the previous three articles, we have discussed those issues pertinent to the fundamental creation (article 1), overcoming my shortcoming […]

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Feel the Heel!

It says in this week’s Parsha, Eikev (Devarim 7:12), And it will be Eikev (=as a result of) that you […]

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Even More Meaning of Life: Creation!

In the two previous articles we explored the underpinnings of man’s creation. In the first article we saw that HKB”H’s […]

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The Meaning of Life Continued. Be a GIVER

In the previous article, we discussed the logical underpinnings of why HKB”H created man and put him in this world. […]

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What’s life all about? An emunah perspective

The question of the introduction – itself – needs no introduction. This is a question that every single person asks […]

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9th of Av: The Emunah Perspective

After reading Megillas Eicha, (some of which I understand), after reading the Kinnos (most of which I don’t understand), I […]

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How to connect to the Beis Hamikdash

Sitting in front of my computer wondering how I can get “into the mood” for the upcoming fast of the […]

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Practical Emunah: Your Money or Your Life?

What’s more important to you: your money or your life? [picture courtesy of this site] This is a question that, […]

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Emunah: It’s a Matter of Perspective

Parshas Mattos opens with the description of  the 42 masaos (marches) that the people of Israel made from the time […]

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Emunah: How do I apply it in my daily life? No extremism necessary!

Many people think that emunah is something that we store away for the extreme case in which we may need […]

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