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On Three Things the World Stands…
On Three Things the World Stands…
It’s not really on-topic of the blog, but…
Shalom, all,
Although I usually try and add to the blog things that will give both meaning and purpose – the soul of emmuna – to you, there are at present two very real, very meaningful things that I am concerned with that are very close to me, and I would like to offer you the opportunity to share in them as well.
There are two projects that I am affiliated with in my personal and professional life, that are both an extension of who I am and which exemplify who I am striving to be personally. These two things are two of the worlds pillars (see Avos 1:2) Torah and Gemilut Chassadim.
I have the merit to teach Torah at the Yeshiva which put me “on the derech” of Torah, Yeshiva Ohr David in Jerusalem. This is a Yeshiva for boys from all walks of life, Yeshivish, Chassidish, Tziyoni (National Religious), Chabad and more. We cater to guys who both know how to learn (at least they think they do!) and those who are at the very beginning. We have Jews who are FFB’s (that’s Frum From Birth), BT’s (Ba’alei Teshuva, who began life without any real knowledge of Torah and Judaism), and even some GTZ’s, (that’s Gerei TZedek, converts). With HaShem’s help, with lot’s of the worlds third pillar (that’s Avodah (See Avos there), otherwise known as the dirty “four-letter word” (that’s W-O-R-K, did you think it was something else?), and with the alternative interpretation of Avodah which is Tefillah, prayer, we have been extremely successful with the boys. But we need to do more.
I, therefore, invite you to go to the following link to see a little bit about what the Yeshiva is: HERE then go to the Yeshiva website at and see a little bit more. Lastly go to to help us by taking part in the kemach (see Avos 3:17) without which there cannot be any Torah for our boys of today, and those that have yet to come. The suggested amount is 18$ a month for 12 months.
The other significant project that I deal with is the summer camp that my wonderful wife has been making for the past 8 years. It’s called Camp BeYahad and it is life-changing!
As the father of a daughter with a physical handicap from birth we are quite aware of the difficulty that our daughter has and the hardships that it causes on their families. My blessed wife decided to do something that will, with HaShem’s help, to make a difference in the lives of not only our daughter but many of her friends as well. It is an inclusion camp, which means that while we are providing a summer experience for young women, we are also – at the same time – helping to educate our “standing” girls (i.e. girls without physical disabilities) to see beyond the limitations of our “sitting” girls, to see the person underneath who is just like them. It has been a real life-changer.
Please take a look at our facebook page, here: and on the page watch our video, or look at it on youtube at: HERE. Lastly, tax-free donations (USA, Canada, and Israel) can be made here please chose the language and the currency accordingly.
After taking YOUR part in the first two “legs” of the world, Torah (Ohr David) and Gemilut Chassadim (Camp BeYahad) please take a few moments to add your Tefillah, (Avodah) for the successes of both of these ventures.
Tizku le mitzvos