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Noah, Tectonics and Continental Drift: The story of global flooding as described in the Torah as compared to the scientific data
Noah, Tectonics and Continental Drift: The story of global flooding as described in the Torah as compared to the scientific data
Noah and the abundance of flood myths
Almost every ancient people known to man tell a similar story of a most ancient time: there was an apocalyptic flood and only a very few people survived it1. Now, granted, we are not to assume that all of the details of each story are to be accepted at face value. Such is the nature of all myths and stories. However, having said that, since this story is so prevalent we must accept that the foundation of the story, that of global flooding, is true as it is the only aspect of the story that is agreed upon.
I would like to point out that the focus of this lesson is not to bring proofs as to whether or not the flood actually happened or not. It is enough for me, based solely on the veracity of the Holy Torah that it did happen. If one would like to explore this venue, there is a plethora of information readily available on the internet to addresss this. The sole focus of this lesson is to show how the Torah’s depiction of the flood story and other aspects which transpired afterwards, all show and are in complete agreement with the scientific theory of plate tectonics and how these Earth-forces shaped the world in the past until the present-day.
The Flood
The Torah, in the second of the years weekly readings, in the story of Noah, tells us that there came a point in time when the world was destroyed by means of a flood. The Torah tells us that there was only one means of escape for all land-dwelling creatures and that was by means of the Ark that Noah was commanded to build. The Ark is built, the world is destroyed, and all living things emerge from the Ark to repopulate the now vacant planet. If this happened it would imply that both man and beast, post flood, would then have proceeded to repopulate the land from a central point at which the ark landed. If they all just “got off the boat” at Mount Arrat, as the Torah clearly tells us, (wherever that might be), then their “point of departure” into the world also came from there. In short: all life emanates from one central point.
Noah and Continental Drift:
In my book Core Emmuna 1: Hello? G-d? (if you haven’t gotten it yet, what are you waiting for?) in the chapter entitles In the Beginning, I elaborated on how the Torah itself calls the original land the landmass. There was only one. This information, however, leads us to a number of questions:
- When did things change?
- Are there any other sources in the Torah referring to this change in the state of the landmass?
- How does this “sync” with the scientific arena?
All3 organisms are adapted to their environment to a greater or lesser extent. If the abiotic and biotic factors within a habitat are capable of supporting a particular species in one geographic area, then one might assume that the same species would be found in a similar habitat in a similar geographic area, e.g. in Africa and South America. This is not the case. Plant and animal species are discontinuously distributed throughout the world:
Africa has Old World monkeys, apes, elephants, leopards, giraffes, and hornbills.
South America has New World monkeys, cougars, jaguars, sloths, llamas, and toucans.
Deserts in North and South America have native cacti, but deserts in Africa, Asia, and Australia have succulent native euphorbs that resemble cacti but are very different, even though in some cases cacti have done very well (for example in Australian deserts) when introduced by humans.
Even greater differences can be found if Australia is taken into consideration, though it occupies the same latitude as much of South America and Africa. Marsupials like kangaroos, bandicoots, and quolls make up about half of Australia’s indigenous mammal species. By contrast, marsupials are today totally absent from Africa and form a smaller portion of the mammalian fauna of South America, where opossums, shrew opossums, and the monito del monte occur. The only living representatives of primitive egg-laying mammals (monotremes) are the echidnas and the platypus. The short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) and its subspecies populate Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea, and Kangaroo Island while the long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus bruijni) lives only in New Guinea. The platypus lives in the waters of eastern Australia. They have been introduced to Tasmania, King Island, and Kangaroo Island. These Monotremes are totally absent in the rest of the world. On the other hand, Australia is missing many groups of placental mammals that are common on other continents (carnivorans, artiodactyls, shrews, squirrels, lagomorphs), although it does have indigenous bats and murine rodents; many other placentals, such as rabbits and foxes, have been introduced there by humans. Other animal distribution examples include bears, located on all continents excluding Africa, Australia and Antarctica, and the polar bear only located solely in the Arctic Circle and adjacent land masses. Penguins are located only around the South Pole despite similar weather conditions at the North Pole. Families of sirenians are distributed exclusively around the earth’s waters, where manatees are located in western Africa waters, northern South American waters, and West Indian waters only while the related family, the Dugongs, are located only in Oceanic waters north of Australia, and the coasts surrounding the Indian Ocean. Additionally, the now extinct Steller’s Sea Cow resided in the Bering Sea. The same kinds of fossils are found from areas known to be adjacent to one another in the past but which, through the process of continental drift, are now in widely divergent geographic locations. For example, fossils of the same types of ancient amphibians, arthropods and ferns are found in South America, Africa, India, Australia and Antarctica, which can be dated to the Paleozoic Era, at which time these regions were united as a single landmass called Gondwana. Sometimes the descendants of these organisms can be identified and show unmistakable similarity to each other, even though they now inhabit very different regions and climates.In other words, this is supposed to “prove” the theory of evolution because…? Still not so clear on that point4. If we accept that the Torah holds that there was only one landmass at the beginning and that all of the animals diverged from the single point of the Ark after the flood, then there is no “proof” here at all! So why do evolutionists consider this to be a refutation of Creation? Because we say that Earth and all that is in it is relatively recent whereas they say that it’s positively ancient! How do they know that? Well, as we mentioned about the aforementioned chapters in CE volume 1, they know that based on the “dating” methods and there is a lot to say about the issues involved with them and just how “scientific” they really are. However, in addition to the method of potassium-argon dating, for example, here the scientists use the data gathered based on another method of dating, (continuing the same type of logic used to ascertain the “veracity” of the various atomic dating methods): the measurements of the “drift” of the tectonic plates of the earth. Considering that the plates move at a rate of only 0-100mm per year5 so make the math: distance of (say) the United States from Europe, (4000 km) say, divided by 100mm per year = a very very long time. The problem with this is that it assumes that the rate is constant. It also assumes that the initial rate of the tectonic movement was also the same constant. Neither of these is verifiable for more than the years of actual observational evidence hence they are, also, not scientific fact, but rather scientific conjecture. As to their fallacy see the quote from Mark Twain that I quoted concerning this issue in the chapter called In the Beginning. In addition, as there is no clear consensus as to what the mechanism is that powers the tectonic movement of the plates it makes it very difficult to truly try and make any real calculations until we actually can figure it out. More on that in a moment. Second Issue: are there any Torah sources relating to the continental drift? Answer: Of course! I can think of four very pertinent sources off the top of my head! SOURCE 1: First of all, the verse describing the beginning of the flood, (Genesis 7:11)
בִּשְׁנַת שֵׁשׁ-מֵאוֹת שָׁנָה לְחַיֵּי-נֹחַ בַּחֹדֶשׁ הַשֵּׁנִי בְּשִׁבְעָה-עָשָׂר יוֹם לַחֹדֶשׁ בַּיּוֹם הַזֶּה נִבְקְעוּ כָּל-מַעְיְנֹת תְּהוֹם רַבָּה וַאֲרֻבֹּת הַשָּׁמַיִם נִפְתָּחוּ.Meaning that in the 600th year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the 17th of that month, on this day all of the Ma’ayanot that resided in the great (sea) depths (תהום רבה) were torn asunder (נבקעו) and the passages (ארבת) of the Shamayim were opened. Ma’ayanot are springs. Springs emanate from groundwater. Hence the Torah is telling us that at this point in time all of the under-groundwater was expressed to above the ground levels. How this is done… the Written Torah doesn’t say. However, it also adds in one descriptive word נבקעו, which translates as “torn asunder”. I say this based on my knowledge of the Hebrew language and also because of a very descriptive verse that we find in Zacharia (14:4). Here the prophets relate a prophecy concerning the end of days. The Navi tells us that it will be on that day He will stand on the Mount of Olives which faces Jerusalem on the East, and the Mount of Olives will be torn asunder (ונבקע) at its half point from (along) the East to the Sea (West), a very great valley (will be formed); And then (the Northern) half of the mountain will move (מש) to the North and it’s (other) half towards the Negev (South). The word נבקע means “it was split”, so here, by Zacharia, as opposed to in the time of Noah, the split is one that goes from the East to the West. However, if it is not stated specifically in the Torah we can then assume that the split can go in any direction. This is especially true when we consider that the splitting here didn’t take place at only one location. It took place at many locations simultaneously, (all of the deep springs), which kind of sounds like the deep tectonic rifts that reside at the bottom of the oceans. SOURCE 2: In addition, at the time of our great teacher, Moses, we find the following verse: (Deuteronomy 4:32)
“Please, ask concerning the days of old that were before you, (even) from the day that E-lohim created man on the land, and from one end of the sky to the far end of the sky. Was there ever something similar to this great thing (the giving of the Torah at Sinai) or has there been a similar claim heard?”Why did Moses, at around 1500 years after the flood, tell the people of Israel that they should check out this issue from one end of the sky to the far end of the sky? Are there people who live in the sky? Obviously not! So why did he say this? Simple: he knew that there were people living in distant lands which were not part of the known landmass of Europe-Asia-Africa… but they are all under the same sky! Now if the tectonic movements of the continental landmasses were as slow as the scientific community claims then how did Moses, living so long before the discovery of the Americas and of Australia/New Zealand, know this? They should have been long scrubbed from memory! But Moses tells his people know that there are other peoples living across the seas, and even if you were to meet them and to ask them if among then there is any nation with a claim that matches the claim of the children of Israel: National Revelation and living to tell the tale (more on this in a later lesson) they will tell you “Nope! Never heard it… never will!”6 SOURCE 3: Proverbs 3:19-20
“(19) HaShem, with His wisdom, made the foundation of the land, arranged the heavens with understanding. (20) With His knowledge were the depths torn asunder (נבקעו, see the previous expansion) and the shachakim release dew” SOURCE 4: Psalms 104:6-9ה’ בחכמה יסד ארץ כונן שמים בתבונה: בדעתו תהומות נבקעו ושחקים ירעפו טל:
ו תְּהוֹם כַּלְּבוּשׁ כִּסִּיתוֹ עַל-הָרִים יַעַמְדוּ מָיִם. ז מִן-גַּעֲרָתְךָ יְנוּסוּן מִן-קוֹל רַעַמְךָ יֵחָפֵזוּן. ח יַעֲלוּ הָרִים יֵרְדוּ בְקָעוֹת אֶל-מְקוֹם זֶה יָסַדְתָּ לָהֶם. ט גְּבוּל-שַׂמְתָּ בַּל-יַעֲבֹרוּן בַּל-יְשֻׁבוּן לְכַסּוֹת הָאָרֶץ.(6) The Deep waters covered it (the earth) like a garment, on top of the mountains stood the waters. (7) From Your rebuke they (the waters) flee, from the sound of Your thunders they tremble. (8) The mountains will rise up, the valleys will descend to this place, which You founded for them. (9) You placed a boundary so that they should not pass, so that they should not return to cover the land. We will explore the deeper meaning of this verse in a moment. In addition, there is also the words of our sages, ob”m, in the midrash that we will see later on. Issue three: How does the Torah’s information “sync” with the data? Concerning the issue of where the water of the planet came from in the first place please look in the book in the chapter In the Beginning. Now let’s address the basic question concerning this issue. Is there, in fact, any evidence that the sea levels were once much higher than their present-day levels, i.e. those that we can see and measure today? If what the Torah tells us is true then this leads us, as well, to a few other questions. Just where did all of this water come from that raised the sea levels so drastically? Where did all of the water go? Lastly, what were the ramifications? Recent data can give us answers to all of these questions:
- Evidence of higher sea levels from the Bermuda Islands
- Underground seas
“And unto Ever were born two children: (the) name of the one (was) Peleg, for in his days the Eretz was divided (נפלגה הארץ) and the name of his brother (was) Yoktan”.The interesting thing about this verse is that it is a play on words: the topic of the verse is Ever and who his main children were, however when it comes to the name of his firstborn, Peleg, the Torah gives a reason as to why he was called that name. However, there is one thing in the verse which is ambiguous: the word בימיו, “in his days”. Well, whose days are we talking about? Are we talking about the main topic, in which case it refers to Ever, or are we talking about the son, Peleg? In other words, was Peleg, which means “division”, called this name because of something that was or because of something that will be. However, the simple understanding of the verse is that this was an event that already happened in the lifetime of Ever and that his son was given this name in the after-math of that event. Our sages, however, explain that really what happened is that the Divine-spirit directed Ever, who was a prophet, to call his son Peleg based on something that was yet to come to pass at the end of Peleg’s days, i.e. the dispersal (=division=peleg) of all people from Babel. This is a classic example of what our sages call the “Pshat”, (simple understanding of the verse) and the “Derash” (the exegesis of the verse). They both are non-contradictory and are therefore correct interpretations of the verse. Derash aside, from the simple understanding of the verse we see that the Torah, itself, gives us a time-frame for continental drift as having occurred in the lifetime of Ever. Ever was the son of Shelach, who was the son of Arpachshad, who was the son of Shem (who was the son of Noah)14. According to the time-line that the Torah lists clearly, this means that this event occurred around 100 years after the flood. If we then calculate from that time until the time of Moses we find that a total of some 770 years has passed by the time Moses makes the aforementioned statement concerning distant places under the skies. Now, obviously, the distance between – say – the Americas of today from the Europe of today was not then what it is today. But, then again, almost 3300 years have passed since that time. As mentioned earlier today’s science has, for the past 30 years or so, been measuring various places on the planet and has arrived at the conclusion that the continents move at about 50mm, (that’s half a centimeter or about 1/5th of an inch), per year. Graphs have been made, seismic charts drafted, and much ink spilled. However, this is only 30 years’ worth of collected data. If we stretch it back to Wegner’s15 original hypothesis that’s still only 100 years of collected data. Modern-day science therefore takes these measurements and calculates backwards to see how long it may have taken at this rate for the continents to have drifted to their present positions and they come out with millions of years. This is sheer absurdity! It’s like saying that if a car has been driving at a steady 50kmph for 1 year it has always driven only at this rate. In light of the fact that the scientific community still has yet to come to a real conclusion as to what it is that drives plate tectonics this is a ridiculous conclusion! A more realistic approach would be to assume that the original rates of “travel” were much greater and that – over time – they have slowed to the current rates of travel. In all likelihood it wasn’t a constant at all due to relative strata density and varying degrees of tectonic forces. But because there is a significant desire among the scientific community to arrive at a conclusion of millions of years, and this fits the bill, therefore it has stuck. Well if we consider that the average distance between various points of the Americas and the Europe-Africa continent is around 4000 kilometers (4,000,000 meters) therefore over a period of time spanning 4000 years16 that means that a “drift” of more than 1000 meters, or 1 kilometer, per year was necessary. If that’s the case all we need to do is calibrate our drift charts so that the end result is a drift of 50mm per year over the last 100 years that would mean that the mean drift at the time of Ever was about 2500 meters, or 2.5 kilometers, per year. Divide that by 365 solar days in a year and we come to a total of 6.3 meters of “travel” per day. If that is the case then after a paltry 770 years moving – on the average – 2300 meters per year the Americas continents would have already traveled 1,771,000 meters, (that’s nearly 2000 kilometers). Almost half of their present distance. This leads us to the following question: Is there any evidence in the geological record which could reflect a much larger rate of tectonic movement many years ago? The answer is a resounding YES!
- First of all, virtually all constituents of the super-continent theory recognize at least four time periods of “breaks”17:
- Accounting for varying mass and varying tectonic forces.
- Satellite telemetry and thermal imaging